Il Comitato di Oslo della Società Dante Alighieri è lieto di invitare i soci interessati alla tavola rotonda: "Bodø 2024 and the network of Cultural Routes in Europe” , che si terrà all’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Oslo (Oscars 56), giovedì 25 aprile dalle 17:30 alle 19:30. La tavola rotonda è organizzata dal "Cluster EUNIC Norvegia" in collaborazione con "Bodø 2024" e il Consiglio Culturale Norvegese (“Norsk Kulturråd”). NB! La tavolta rotonda si terrà in lingua inglese.
La tavola rotonda, tra l'altro, discuterà il progetto "Via Querinissima", che si basa sul naufragio e il soggiorno a Røst del navigatore veneziano Pietro Querini nel 1432: e . Per ulteriori informazioni sulla tavola rotonda, visita:
Ingresso libero fino ad esaurimento posti. Si consiglia ai soci interessati di arrivare presto.
Si sottolinea infine che EUNIC (Istituti Nazionali della Cultura dell'Unione Europea) rappresenta un organismo di cooperazione tra i dipartimenti culturali delle ambasciate europee e gli istituti culturali a Oslo, e che il Comitato di Oslo della Società Dante Alighieri ne fa parte a pieno titolo.
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Dante Alighieri-foreningen i Oslo har gleden av å invitere interesserte medlemmer til en konferanse kalt "Bodø 2024 and the network of Cultural Routes in Europe” . Arrangementet vil finne sted ved Det italienske kulturinstituttet, Oscars gate 56, torsdag den 25. april, kl. 17:30 - 19:30. Konferansen arrangeres av "EUNIC Cluster Norway» i samarbeid med "Bodø 2024" og Norsk kulturråd. NB! Konferansen vil bli holdt på engelsk.
Konferansen vil bl.a. omtale prosjektet «Via Querinissima», som tar utgangspunkt i den venezianske sjøfareren Pietros Querinis forlis og opphold på Røst i 1432: og Se videre omtale av konferansen her:
Vi gjør oppmerksom på at det vil være reserverte plasser for spesielt inviterte gjester. For andre vil prinsippet om "først til mølla» gjelde. Interesserte medlemmer av vår forening anbefales derfor å være tidlig ute.
Note: EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture) er et samarbeidsorgan mellom europeiske ambassaders kulturavdelinger og kulturinstitutter i Oslo, der også Dante Allighieri-foreningen er fullverdig medlem.
IIC, 25.04 - 17.30: ROUND TABLE:
Bodø 2024 and the network of Cultural Routes in Europe
The European Union National Institutes for Culture – EUNIC Cluster Norway is presenting an international round table with panelists and experts debating on the role and potential of the European Capitals of Cultures and the network of the Cultural Routes in Europe. The discussion will investigate the relation between cultural heritage promotion and sustainability, sustainable tourism, technology and cultural promotion, with the aim, among others, to gain and spread knowledge about the possibilities of using media and digital techniques in the area of tourism. During the event some European Routes and the territories they cross by will be presented, along with two of this year’s European Capitals of Culture, the Bodø 2024 project and the Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024 project. A further investigation will be done into the long-term effects that these projects aspire to, or have already achieved. The event is in collaboration with the Norwegian Directorate of Culture.Closing up the event, a small reception, and a virtual tour with VR visors will be offered.
Participating countries: Austria; Latvia; Spain; Portugal; Italy; Norway.
Moderator: Inga-Lill Sundset, Head of the section for cultural heritage and museums – Directorate of Culture, in charge for the promotion of cultural itineraries in Norway
- Henrik S. Dagfinrud, Programme Director Bodø 2024
- Stefan Heinisch, Head of Communication and Marketing of Bad Ischl Salzkammergut2024 and responsible for “Coordination Mobility, Tourism & Regional development” (Embassy of Austria)
- Stefano Agnoletto, project manager from Via Querinissima for Nordland County (Italian Cultural Institute, Comitato Dante Alighieri)
- Dr. arch. Ms Agrita Tipāne, Ms Jūlija Trofimova, from Art Nouveau Center Riga (Embassy of Latvia)
- Ana Umbelino, Councilor for Culture at the Torres Vedras Municipality, President of the European Network of Cities and Regions for Social Economy, Executive Vice-president of the European Federation of Napoleonic Cities, Vice-president of the Jewish Quarters Network - Portuguese Routes of Sefarad (Embassy of Portugal)
- Pilar Taboada de Zúñiga, PhD, Director of the International Courses for the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Embassy of Spain)
- Case study: Kristian Mosvold, from the network Agder XR, and Espen Frøysland, CEO Lindesnes Fyr Museum, talking about the use of new technologies in promoting cultural heritage and about the project of scanning lighthouses (Norway)